Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Depressed Lucy

So Lucy was extremely depressed yesterday, and I have no idea why. It started around 11 in the morning when she came upstairs and started just hanging around my room. Now some people are probably like, "Well Anna... that's what dog do - they lie down". Well no shit. I'm not that stupid, alright? Lucy doesn't ever come upstairs because it hurts her hips too much. She usually comes upstairs if it's about to storm or if it is storming. Then she lays in my bathroom and tries to hide from the dangerous thunder monsters that are coming after her.

This was Lucy yesterday. It was like she was dying. Literatlly could not get her to move anywhere. Have you ever tried lifting up a 140 pound dog? Well I have, and trust me when they want to be dead weight - they'll be dead weight. That's exactly what Lucy was too. Dead weight. Then I got up to go to the bathroom after just leaving her there for an hour or so.
Dog finally moved.

Lucy moved and came in to the bathroom with me. As I was closing the door she put her nose in the door making me unable to shut it. She then muscled her way in to my tiny bathroom area and sat in front of me while I attempted to pee. She kept starring at me, and then she laid down. Needless to say I didn't pee or do anything else for that matter. It t'was awkward.

I move out of the bathroom and the dog comes between my legs. It was like she was scared of something that wasn't there, or she was protecting me from something that wasn't there. Either way my dog was acting WEIRD. Something was up because Lucy never did this.

Needless to say I made it back to my desk while Lucy went and laid back in my bathroom door. It wasn't an hour later when I finally decided that maybe she just wanted momma time. So I got on the floor next to her and just cuddled with her. Then I got up, grabbed my phone, took a few pictures and began a small Tuesday update video with Lucy right next to me. She seemed a lot better an hour later and has been acting normal ever since I cuddled her. Dogs have feelings too man, and they definitely can be just as emotional as a human that's for sure.


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