I accomplished my first four mile walk/jog today with three dogs.
When I woke up this morning I wasn't really in the mood to workout. It was cloudy outside, and it looked as if it was going to rain. The wind was incredibly fast too, but I needed the workout.
I decided I would take my dog to get some much needed exercise (because I've turned her into a lazy bum), but the minute I opened the leash door my father's dogs come running up to me with excitement. I thought "what the hell" and I got everyone on their leash and walked out the door.
I've been using the Nike+ Running App on my phone recently to track my progress. The above picture is actually from the app off of the computer. So far I've only done two runs with the app, but that'll change quickly. I enjoy using it. It's actually easy to understand and use, plus I can lock the screen so when I'm running and someone's calling me I don't have to pause the run. It automatically keeps track of where I am, my pace, time, and calories burned. It's a cool little app.
Anyways I believe my time would've been better if there weren't so many stops along the way. Someone had to sniff something, two had to use the bathroom, and one dog just laid down and didn't want to walk anymore. I'll give you a hint on whose dog that was.
Overall I think I did very well today, but I need improvement.
Lots and Lots of improvement.
Enjoy this photo from our walk:
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