I warned Cody before he flew out here that this trip would be unlike any other he had experienced. I don't think he believed me until I somehow got him up on a horse in the Fort Worth Stock Yards, or when I got him to dress up like an old time cowboy. I told him one day we would feed wild animals. He laughed, but I knew exactly where we were going. It was suppose ran the entire week, which it did, but it stopped during our trip to the FOSSIL RIM WILDLIFE CENTER!
Fangirl Mode: [ON] OFF
Some of you might me wondering, "Anna what is Fossil Rim Wildlife Center?" What a great question! Fossil Rim Wildlife Center was founded in 1984 and is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 company organized specifically to create, coordinate, fund, educate, research, inform, motivate and conduct programs and endeavors that will directly or indirectly aid in the conservation of wildlife with special emphasis on endangered and threatened species.
Here is our experience! *Click on photos to enlarge*
I got attacked by an Ostrich 3 minutes into our adventure, ha-ha.
Talk about pain, right?
These poor guys had cactus needles stick out all over their faces and neck. They were eating or drinking the juices from the cactus.
Obviously, Cody has a special connection with this Emu.
We've hit deer country! {I like to think they were reindeer}
This is the idiot deer that wouldn't move IN the middle of the road!
Cody: "Wanna hear a joke Mr. Deer?"
Deer: "Sure!"
Cody: "
What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost? Bamboo."
This was a wild turkey that actually came up to our car.
No joke. Could've hit him with the car and had him for dinner.
Did I mention the Crane was his bro from another mother?
I found BAMBI!
Cody is looking up the animals in our guide.
Yeah... that happened.
Cody hitting up some Doe
Then this guy appeared and was like, 'Feed Me'.
The Giraffe's were in their yard due to the weather! :(
[We stopped at the gift shop, bought a shirt, changed shirts
Shirt was about two sizes too large!]
Female wild turkeys!
This deer again man. He followed us!
Oh damn. Rams.
I learned early on... roll up your windows when you see an Ostrich!
Finally, last but not least, the Rhinos!